Overview of this unit's teaching
- There is a historic divide in public service teaching between policy and administration
- The digital era challenges both traditions and requires them to adopt new skills
- It challenges policy on two fronts. First, it creates new areas for policy that cannot be understood without digital skills (e.g internet regulation).
- Second, it challenges policy traditions because it denies that good policies can be developed without extensive direct customer interactions.
- It challenges public administration because it argues that various 'best practices' around risk management, project management and procurement are broken.
- Ultimately, as well as requiring that both policy and administration functions modernise, digital era thinking challenges the idea that these functions should ever be thought of as separate in the first place.
This Unit's Learning Outcomes
Different Options for Teaching
There are many different ways that you can structure your teaching to cover the same learning outcomes. Here we supply two models for inspiration.
- Option A - 1 x 90 Minute Class
- Option B - 2 x 90 Minute Classes
Materials to Inspire Your Class Design
Suggested Required Reading for Students