Chris idea for teaching this unit: split class into agile and waterfall groups and get them to work on a task together. introduce the concept in a way that 'feels real'.

Chris's class introduces classes to Kanban boards and acceptance criteria. Teams are given different challenges like bias in datasets. Then students have to apply the 'little that I tell them about agile'. He introdces people to tools and then 'tears down the problem'. And does this witht eh common agile tools.

Overview of this week’s teaching

This Week's Learning Outcomes

By the end of this week students will be able to:

The 'standard' way of plannig for and building this software has been to make detailed up-front plans, plans that are often captured within Gantt charts that lay out exactly how and when each piece of a project will be delivered.

What is needed is an ability to learn about the complexity of a system while it is being developed and that can learn and adapt to new information. This is something a Gantt chart - which implicitly claims perfect knowledge at the beginning of the process - cannot provide.

But building software is a complex problem. By [complex]( problems are typically defined,may have multiple possible solutions.) we mean problems that need to be solved with multiple, sometimes competing, perspectives and which may have multiple possible solutions.

Problems are particularly complex where governments serve a diverse cross section of citizens. In such situations it is difficult to anticipate, and thus plan for what are called 'edge cases'. These are [INSERT DEFINITION].

Project based on traditional, detailed up-front

An over-adherence to planning makes risks at best substantially increasing the costs of a project and at worst, make adaptions in response to new information difficult or impossible.

Frustratingly, humans and social organizations are complex creatures and thus generators of complexity. For example it is exceedingly difficult to predict how administrators and users will react to an interface and how to best design a workflow.

Worse still, technology is itself a complex system, and thus getting systems to work together, all while the underlying components are evolving inevitably creates unanticipated challenges.

Different Options for Teaching

There are several different ways that you can structure your teaching to cover the same learning outcomes.